Diversity Action Council

Empowering People by Respecting and Appreciating What Makes Them Different

Highlights from the Quincy University Mission Statement:

Quincy University stands as a Catholic, independent, liberal arts institution of higher learning in the Franciscan tradition. Inspired by the spirit of Francis and Clare of Assisi, we respect each person as a sister or brother with dignity, value, and worth. We work for justice, peace and the integrity of creation. 我们通过教育人们寻求通向智慧的知识,为领导和改变世界做好准备. We welcome and invite all to share our spirit and our life.

“Diversity” at Quincy University

上述大学使命声明指出,QU将努力促进一个欢迎和邀请“所有人分享我们的精神和生活”的环境.“这一使命反映了一种包容的精神,无疑吸引了来自世界各地的学生,他们希望在一个尊重的环境中茁壮成长, and even values their vastly divergent perspectives, customs, languages, and orientations toward life. This statement, at its core, 恰当地抓住了亚洲博彩平台排名社区理解多样性概念的包容性方式. Diversity, therefore, is not limited by census classifications or regional designations, 相反,它反映了构成一个人整体自我的许多身份——这些身份使我们成为完整的人. Thus, while the diversity-related initiatives discussed herein may, at times, include focus on a specific group or collection of groups, the diversity action plan 这是否代表着大学朝着多元化相关行动的意图和方向迈出的第一步.

Diversity Action Council

The following excerpt, 旨在澄清亚洲博彩平台排名发展多元化行动委员会的动力, 是根据渠署长行政领导团队批准的“多元化行动理事会提案”而采纳的:

在亚洲博彩平台排名的愿景声明中,它强调了大学将努力建立和维护社区意识, 同时在其所有支持者中促进包容性和多样性的价值. 声明还说亚洲博彩平台排名将接受方济各会的价值观,其中包括, hospitality and respect for all and the integrity of creation.

随着大学不断增加其学生群体的多样性,确定需要一个委员会,如多元化行动委员会(DAC)。. 多元化行动委员会的主要目的之一是维护大学愿景声明中提出的原则. 委员会的另一个目的是致力于确保亚洲博彩平台排名提供一个防止任何形式歧视的环境, 促进无偏见的氛围,并向学生展示多样性和包容性的重要性, faculty/staff and administration.

根据提交给高等教育委员会的2009年自学报告, 亚洲博彩平台排名已经确定了三个需要改进的领域, those to include:

  • The University has fallen short of its goals in recruiting diverse faculty.
  • 该地区社区缺乏种族和民族多样性,这使其尤其具有挑战性, 特别是在预算限制影响到薪金筹资的时候.
  • The University has increased student diversity, 但是,学生们与其他种族和民族背景的学生进行讨论和积极交流的机会仍然很少. 如果要充分实现这一目标,核查团要求继续强调征聘和教官努力设计具有不同观点的单位.


The committee, 与多元文化和领导力项目办公室以及校园部合作, will provide continual multicultural resources and educational initiatives to students, faculty/staff, and administration. Minority members of the student body have identified a feeling of lack of support on the campus; to that the DAC has been identified as need in order in ensure that an environment is created where all feel safe and supported. DAC将协助展示对多样性和多元文化的欣赏,并确定校园和周围社区中出现的多样性关注领域.

Committee Charge



委员会将对更大的校园和社区进行有关这些问题的教育, 确保不孤立特定的人或事件,确保并促进整个QU校园和周围社区的无偏见氛围.

As a result of this review, 发展谘询委员会可向大学行政领导团队或代表成员提供书面建议.

本着营造一个让所有学生都有充分发展机会的环境的精神, 发展援助委员会还将负责促进与各实体的合作伙伴关系.e., university departments, offices, and student groups) across campus. 发展援助委员会还将促进与有关社区领导人的合作和支持委员会目标的社区倡议.

The current council consists of representatives from Campus Ministry, Academic Affairs, Athletics and Student Development.

Circa 2012

Diversity-Related Grievance

Diversity-related grievances can be submitted using the form below. The DAC will attempt to review grievances in a timely fashion (i.e., occurring, at minimum, during each DAC meeting). 投诉将按照收到的顺序进行审查,记者可以选择保持匿名.